LDR, no flowers


Let's back up, so I've been seeing this guy for 3 years,(he's 47, I'm 28) he's never sent me flowers or anything like that, we don't do vday, thanksgiving, christmas or any other holidays. Only because he spends it with his mother, so I'm like whatever, another lame ass excuse (*cough* mommas boy). But honestly I feel like it more to it than that! We meet maybe 6/8 times out of the year, I do the most traveling. I still find it crazy we still don't spend holidays together, but whatever!!! So anyways in the beginning of the year the florist guy at my aunt's job gave me a rose (I'm not big on roses, I love lilies!!!). I didn't think nothing of it, he was being nice and thought a flower would put a smile on my face, I had a long day, worked 6am to 5pm, go figure. Anyways, so we were having a conversation a few minutes ago on flowers and it popped up in a conversation. It was 1 rose, I really didn't care for that I gave to my grandmother when I got home. So now he's making a huge freaking deal about it, like he does everything!!!! If that's the case buy me flowers then, I had a long ass day at work and I was tired, thought it was okay, took it home and gave it to my grandmother, unless I'm missing something, over a piece of plant!!!! Mind you this is a long distance relationship, I'm always willing, but it seems as if I do more just to keep up, but now I'm throwing in the towel because I don't feel like it's going anywhere!!! He calls and messages me 24/7, it's getting irritating, I've been faking phone sex so well he can't tell the difference, lols, but oh well, don't care!!! Then he constantly says, you still don't get it!!!! Honestly I do, your so freaking controlling for someone his age, who doesn't want anything positive happening, he has something negative to say, prime example that piece of flower!!!! I'm sure there's still nice people out in the world who do random acts of kindness for random strangers, so what's the big deal???? Am I missing something?!?!?!?!

*not married, no children