True knot umbilical cord!

Candi • Happy wife to a wonderful husband and momma to our 3 beautiful children! Life is good
9/2/16 I started to have contractions at about 6:30am but didn't think too much of it because I was in the ER the prior week with contractions and was told I can have them all the way up until my due date. (was only 35weeks along at the time) so I went on with my day taking my 9year old to school and looking after my toddler and running errands. 
My contractions starting getting stronger and painful as the day went on and at about 12:30 I decided to call my dr office, they told me to come in so they can check things out and make sure I'm not going into preterm labor as my first 2 were born at 35weeks and I was just 2 days past 36. By the time my husband and I got to my dr office I was in so much pain I was in tears.
My dr was out delivering a baby so I was seen by a nurse practitioner who I'd seen a few times and didn't really care for because she never seemed to take my concerns seriously. Anyway she checked my cervix and told me I was barley a centimeter dialated and 80% effaced. She told me I was most likely just feeling Braxton hicks contractions and she was just going to send me home. 
I flipped out and told her I know for a fact these are not Braxton hicks I'm in pain! She went on to say she doesn't see any immediate signs that I'm in preterm labor, after making enough fuss she finally said they can put me on a monitor to see if I'm having contractions...I was so frustrated at that point but felt confident that they would see I'm having strong contractions. She came back after 10 minutes and told us that she is seeing contractions but again nothing showing I'm in labor and sent us home.
As we were getting ready to walk out my dr walked in and took one look at me and immediately said "you don't look good at all" she put me into a room and insisted on checking me herself and sure enough when she checked me I was 5 CENTIMETERS dialated not 1!! I was pissed because the nurse I saw was ready to send me home but I was so relieved my dr came in when she did. She sent me over to the hospital to get things started. 
I got the epidural right away and when my water was broke I was fully dialed within 2 hours. I had 4 big pushes and my baby girl Mia Julieann McCray entered the world weighing 6lbs 9oz 20inch long a month early. When my placenta came out my dr noticed there was a knot in my babies umbilical cord! She told me that it was called a "true knot" and that my princess was lucky to be alive! Everyone was pretty amazed a couple other Drs came to look at it and the nurses said they had never seen that before (neither had I) Who knows what would have happened had I been sent home...her oxygen could have been cut off as the knot in the cord was a tight knot and not loose. I'm so thankful that my dr came in when she did and I have my baby girl here with me!