
My husband and I have been TTC #1 for about 3 months. I just started using my first ever opk last Tuesday...I kept getting negatives. This app was telling me my peak day was cycle day 10/ Friday but I was talking to one of my friends who is a mom and she thought that I should have waited to start testing until cycle day 12 but since I already started i decided to continue testing until I got a positive. So my hubby and I had some great sex last night and he's like "that was it, I know it, it just felt right and different".... It was so sweet. Well I woke up and tested this morning and today is my "O" day!!! I sure hope this is it!!! We will know by the time our 10 year anniversary comes around on Sept. 23rd! How exciting would that be to tell him on our mini vacation for our anniversary?!?! Send some baby dust my way please!!!