is it possible to feed baby too much while breastfeeding?

My baby has projectile spit up ALOT twice today and done a few little spit ups. She's a month and ebf. Iv never had any issues with projectile spit up apart from a few days where it was happening once a day when I think I left her abut too long between feeds and she got too hungry when she woke up and ate too much too quickly, but today she's going her normal 1-2 hours of feeding and eating 1 boob however following her hunger cues Iv out her on the other boob (obv since I'm breastfeeding I have no idea how many ounces  fed) I just follow her hunger cues - sometimes i give her paci incase she's just looking to comfort nurse - maybe she is eating too much? I don't think she has reflux issues because spitting up at all is so rare! After every feed I burp her (when I was burping her is when she threw up) she rarely actually burps! I don't know if all this is normal or what? Any suggestions? Today she has been a bit fussier like she has some has but every other day she seems fine in herself. I'm worried to feed especially since she seems to be cluster feeding again right now and I don't want to over feed her