kind of mad

A week or so ago my SO said how he really wants to stop drinking. Just all together. He drinks 3-4 times a week and doesn't stop until he passes out. I never make a deal about it I'll drink with him some of those nights and he never gets out of control or anything like that when he drinks so I never cared. But him saying he wanted to stop was like a big thing. We said we would together. And how his biggest problem is he needs to cut one of his friends out he thinks that's the reason he drinks so much. We had a long talk about it. Then a few days later he was drinking with his friend. He said he was going to make it an exception that day. I said okay whatever that's fine. But then he did again the next day. I let it go again because I was hoping he was just going to get it out because I was on af and we are going to ttc when I'm off(which was yesterday) so I was excited to tell him when he got home from work that we can start, but he goes to take the dogs outside so just as I suspected what's he doing. Drinking with his friend. I hate to get mad because he just worked a 13 almost 14 hour day, and Wednesday he worked 22 hours striaght no break. So I understand if he wants to drink because it's his day off tomorrow. But it annoys me I don't want him doing it like he has been because I know we shouldn't drink at all when ttc and we talked about it already. We already haven't had any luck for over a year just not using protection. But this time were actually going to use everything for ttc. Idk how to go about this. I don't care if he drinks or wants to once a week. But I don't want him to like he has anymore especially if we're going to start trying. Again we've already had a long talk about everything but obviously that was just talk. I can't force him to do anything, but ugh idk.