My SO and My Baby Fever

I just spoke to my SO about this baby fever I have.... I've been having dreams of being pregnant and it's a slight obsession that I have with creating, birthing, and raising a little bundle of joy.. Im also super excited to see how cute our offspring will be... I just let him know why I feel like it's time for the both of us, and he understood and said I made sense, but when I asked for a straight yes or no answer to having a baby. He said "I have stuff I need to accomplish before that" and I understood... Then I reminded him that Im not taking any birth control, and I asked if we should start using condoms again. He says no and that he's willing to risk a baby surprise.... Now..... I feel like he wants a baby but he's nervous to actually plan for it... Maybe I'm crazy, but I originally felt that way, until people so close to me began to get pregnant. And since my dreams I've already started planning for it (figuring out how to buy in bulk, getting business affairs in order, etc.) I certainly don't want to "trap" him and I don't want to pressure him either... I feel like I have laid all my cards on the table and made my wants clear, but I also want to respect his position. I'm just wondering if I should continue to plan for a baby that may not happen for a while... I'm also wondering if I should be "responsible" and take extra precautions to not have a baby since that was his response... (Any insight is welcome, but please dont be rude..)