Vbac or c-section?


I know I still have time to decide but it's driving me insane. With my first child, I had to be knocked out for my c-section.i would really like to be awake and a part of my second child's birth. However, I have two options:

1) go to the local hospital and have another c-section. They do not do VBACs at this hospital. The OB I've been seeing will be the one to deliver my baby.

2) go to a hospital 45 minutes to an hour away to try to have a VBAC which could still possibly end up as a c-section. & there's no guarantee my OB will be there.

I am overweight and not particularly in the best shape so that makes me even more worried about the risks of a VBAC. I still need to discuss it with my OB and find out more info but I wanted to get opinions from you other soon to be mommies.