To tell or not....

My husband and I have very recently started trying for a baby. My MIL is very overbearing. She brings stress and drama whenever she is near and my husband already has a distance relationship with her. 
My family is extremely close all the aunts, uncles and cousins and my husbands has always said how much he has loved it and we have tried with his family (it's only his mom and sister) but it has never worked out because they always end up fighting with my husband and making him stressed out. They go weeks without talking and that's their "norm"
Would it be wrong if I told my husband I was pregnant (when the time comes) and my mom (and not tell my husband)I know my mom wouldn't share our news with anyone. My mom and I have a very close relationship and I want to share this news with her.   My mother was kind enough to share wedding dress shopping with MIL who forced herself to our appointments and ended up taking over each appointment.

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