c section pain

In need of some help, advice, something! Haha!
So 8 months ago I had an emergency c section. I happened to heal extreme melt quickly, like, doctor gave me the go ahead to be physical just 2 weeks later (tmi, sorry) and I have never had ANY problems with my incision. 
Fast forward to yesterday and today and I'm SO sore! Like, it feels sore almost like when your muscles get a good workout. It feels that way around my incision, just above, above to the left and right (ovary areas) and my lower abdomen and almost feel like round ligament soreness and feels almost like I'm extremely tight or something! Anyone know what it could be or have any similar experiences or advice? 
ALSO: Not sure if it matters, but it has been 3 days since ovulation so I'm sure it's not that. And if it were, I'm unsure while I feel it on both ovaries!!