twins off eating at same time

How do you get them back on the schedule? They are 2 months old. They ushally eat every 3.5 hrs. My husband feed them at 10. Isabella didn't want anything till an hr later. So at 1:30am Owen wasn't awake yet. He was ready to eat at 1:45. So I feed him and tried to feed her after  since she was waking up. She didn't want anything. I tried again at 2:45. Shouldn't she at least be a little hungry? She ate at 3am. I usually feed them at the same time. My hopes was to feed him first and then she would have been hungry.
How do you get them back on sechudle? They get breast milk and formula.  The breastmilk last a little bit less than the formula. She also eats more than she does,  she weighs 2 lbs more. I will try to give her breast milk in the morning and him formula. I gave her a little less this time and I hope she'll get hungry closer to when he will. But they are also bad about finishing their bottles. This time he had a whole ounce left and spit up. Somehow usually doesn't shorten when they get hungry. Right now he ate about 4 ounces and she get about 10 more ounces.