What happened to my sweet baby?

I'm the woman who has had the "easy baby" from the beginning. He napped well, slept through the night from about 1 month on, never had too many problems with eating, etc. All of a sudden, it's like someone flipped a switch. My son has gone three days in a row with complete, out of character, freak outs. He wakes up, maybe an hour passes at best, and then all hell breaks loose. He's tired but instead of our usual nap routine, he just screams. If I hold him, he loses it. If I offer him his bottle, he cries. He is okay with his pacifier for some length of time but eventually loses interest and cries even with that in his mouth. He only stops after maybe an hour when he has worn himself out. Also, not sure if this is related but he hasn't been eating well. He'll eat exclusively 2 oz at a time now (used to be between 4-6). I just don't even know what to think. I feel so bad that I'm not able to comfort him but everything I try gets met with screams. He seems fine throughout the day otherwise, maybe just more fussy than normal. Could this be teething?! I'm a first time mom so I'm just lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated.