Nerves😐 (sorry semi long)

Katie • Wife,Mother of 3
A little back story. My first pregnancy my husband and I found out at 19 weeks that we were expecting our first little Boy! We also found out that our son Wyatt had fluid on his brain and we were referred to a specialist. 1st specialist gave us even worse news. Wyatt had a neural tube defect called anencephaly this is where the top of the skull does not finish developing and there is no chance survival. so we made the tough decision at 21 weeks to be induced and meet our little boy. Unexpectedly two months later we were expecting again doctors knew I needed the extra folic acid along with my prenatals. we were scared, I don't even know scared the right word . at 16 weeks we were told we had a healthy baby boy on the way. fast forward to March 6th 2015 we had our little boy Rostin. He's now 18 months old and a handful but so much fun. Now we are expecting again where do April 28th 2017 I'm just asking for some prayers ladies to make sure this little bundle of joy it's just as healthy! I will definitely keep you updated as time progresses and hopefully we can have an early scan done to see if we are moving in the right direction!