Transfer Date set - October 28th!

Ashley • Happily married for 3 years. 2 angel babies. Our 1st FET = BFN. 2nd FET = BFP! Expecting our miracle September 2017!
Our frozen transfer date is set for October 28th and we are SO excited!
After my egg retrieval, I got OHSS. I ended up in the hospital and had a paracentesis to drain the fluid. Since, I have recovered and I am feeling MUCH better. 
Out of 42 eggs that were retrieved, we have 21 frozen embryos! We did PGS on 8 of them and 4 are genetically normal. So, we will implant the highest quality embryo (one embryo) out of the 4. 
I have started birth control again. And, soon I will start estrogen patches and progesterone IM injections (not looking forward to that). 
We are praying hard! 🙏🏻
Anyone else around the same timeframe? 
Is it October yet ? 😀