First Appointment

I couldn't stop worrying yesterday. Today I'm trying to occupy myself and not think about it. I went in and my doctor only asked me 2 questions during my whole 5 min appointment. She asked, "do you have any bleeding? Do your boobs hurt?" I answered no to the first question and yes to the second. She laughed and said, " well it's too early to hear anything but let's go to the ultrasound anyway." She did it on my stomach and she kept moving it around and saw a small thing and she said, "there's your peanut." But she couldn't stay on it long enough to let me see it well. She said that my bowl and bladder were in her way. She said she is not trained enough to do a transvaginal either. I was upset and tried not to cry in front of her when she said, " I don't think you are as far along as you think you are." I have to go to the hospital in 6 days to get a real ultrasound tech to do both on the belly and transvaginal. I'm really upset. All I wanted was to make sure my baby is there and has a heartbeat but the doctor couldn't give me that satisfaction. I'm angry and I want to scream but all I can do is cry and wait.