Mom Being Mean About Baby Shower

So my mom lives with me and my SO and my son. She's manic depressive and bipolar. 3 months ago my best friend reached out to my mom about throwing my baby shower. Long story short my mom took over a month getting back to her and had all these demands that it be at our house and a certain date etc and my friend had already planned something at that point. So my mom said she'd have a family one separate. Well, since then she's had me do everything. Write the invites, send them out, make a Facebook group for her, buy the decorations, and ive been doing all the cleaning on my own to get everything ready. So tonight we were going over what food we were going to have and what else we needed and she's honestly being a bitch about everything. I told her I already had the food taken care of, knew what I was going to make and purchase etc. and she complained about everything. "You don't need pink lemonade, not everything needs to be pink! You're not buying potato salad, you're making it. You're not getting balloons, they're tacky. You can't play the don't say baby game because there will be kids and safety pins are dangerous." I legit had to walk away. She even gave me shit because I got pink plates and cups and I should have just gotten regular white paper plates and red solo cups. It's like, you are taking all the credit for this shower right now and haven't lifted a finger to do anything except complain so don't start ordering me around now. And I can guarantee she'll be bitching up until the shower this Saturday. God give me strength so I make it that far.