getting a puppy while pregnant?!?!

Jannett • Army veteran; Air Force wife; mommy of a beautiful little girl, and baby #2 on the way!
So I'm 31 weeks now and we have had a 10week old puppy's r about a month now. 10weeks?!? Yes not potty trained tiny yappy Pomeranian. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of getting a puppy I wanted a dog not a pup but my husband brought him home and my toddler bonded with him she takes him everywhere. He also pees and poops everywhere. Being pregnant and a mom I'm overwhelmed I have been in tears for days because my toddler will pick up stuff she drops like food and try to eat it I feel my carpets are unsanitary at this point. I'm getting them cleaned next week but I feel how much good will it do if he's not potty trained he will just keep doing it. My husband said he would train and care for him. All he does is put food and water out for. I clean he's dirty kennel worst smell my laundry room smells like a barn. I've had it idk what to do if I rehome him I'm the bad guy but if I keep him I'm dying inside worried about how clean something is. The dog cries when he's not inside but even if he's just been outside he will come inside and pee. Am I wrong for thinking it isn't fair that not only did I not think getting a puppy wasn't a good idea at this mementos but that I'm being guilty tripped into not rehoming him. Hubs says he will train him and blah blah but he doesn't do anything with the dog he plays with him maybe every other day for like ten minutes none of the actual caring for a dog or training him. Someone please give me some advice and trust me I'm a dog lover i am but everything to do with pregnancy and toddlers mixing a puppy into that mix has been a mistake idk what to do at this point. Today I'm crying cause I had the baby's bassinet in the living room getting ready to assemble and he pooped on it and it soaked through and stained it's white and I washed it and it didn't come out idk if I'm over reacting but at this point I dont want any animals anymore
Update :
So after my husband walking in on me in tears he said he would rehome the pup and I told him I don't want to feel guilty that I was the one who wanted him gone. And he said you won't I don't want a dog to come between us. So I gave him till end of October to show he's taking care of the dog and show improvement on training. I told him I understand a puppy is a big responsibility specially since I work with dogs all day but at this point I just want to be baby ready clean house not smells and stains I can't see. He agreed I told him I'll deal with it if your doing your part but I will not deal with this exact situation with a newborn if I'm stress now caring for this pup I know I won't be able to one having a csection and two no time to be with a puppy when I have a new born and toddler. He agreed that he would start taking him out every 30minutes and put him on a food schedule. So hopefully we will see I'm not keeping my mind close I want this to work so I'll do my part I just don't want this burden to myself when I didn't agree to getting him