help. :(

I honestly am so stressed out and sad idk what to do. Baby daddy and I have been living together at my parents house for a few months now. My dogs also live there with us. He like to antagonize them which in return makes them slightly aggressive towards him. Yesterday he was blowing in one of their faces and she bit him in the face. (Not hard. No blood. Didn't even break the skin). He packed his stuff and left and doesn't plan on coming back. He told my my dog should die. He said if I need to contact him, don't. He said he doesn't care if he misses our sons birth and he won't regret it. I'm 32 weeks pregnant. I'm so upset and feel so alone. I don't really have any friends. I only have him and he is being so mean to me and basically I have to get rid of my dogs (which I refuse to do) for him to come back. Idk what to do. Someone help. Note this isn't the first time he's threatened to leave me by packing his stuff. A lot of it has been because of the dogs but he's done that quite a few times before there were even dog issues.