Italya • periods suck lol

I started my first day of highschool on monday but everyone else started back in august. obviously i didn't have any friends because they already have their cliques and stuff. I wasn't expecting to make friends anytime soon none the less find a boyfriend/a date to homecoming. but then this happens:

okay so tuesday, my second day of school, during lunch this boy walks up to me and asks me stuff like what's my name then he leaves. a few minutes later, another guy comes up to me. he was like that guy over there likes you and I was like lol k but then he started talking to me and ended up asking for my snapchat and stuff which I gave him bc im nice lmao. anyways he slid into my dms and we were talking for like 30 minutes. then he asks me out... remember I have been in school for 2 days. but I told him IDK yet bc i didn't even know him really you know. then the next day comes, my 3rd day, and this happened during lunch: I was leaning against a pole near my class waiting on the bell then the guy the asked me out was with his friends and they stopped walking when they say me. they weren't very far so I over heard them talking and saying im hot and stuff. then one of them comes over to me and is like hey what's ur name and stuff lmao and so like I told him then he said his name and was like see you around and th I liked his voice lol but since I was nervous I couldn't look him in the eyes yikes. anyways then he leaves and they start talking. then they send someone else over and he tells me that theyre all about to fight over me and im like freaking out inside but anyways then he says that one of them wanted to go out with me and asked if I thought he was cute then i said idk and he goes over and says that I said he was ugly 😂😂 but then the bell rang and I went into class. so all that happened within my first 3 days of school. I didn't go to bc all of this is making my anxiety go crazy like its not even that im going to a new school anymore its just them you know. but im just not used to people openly liking me so it makes me nervous. I didn't go to school today bc I was so anxious I was going to throw up this morning. but I still gotta zany tomorrow and it makes me anxious thinking about it and I don't like this feeling in my insides thinking about jet. I can't even eat and sleep now. I know this was long but if you read it i really appreciate you 😊 anyways homecoming is October 1st and IDK what gonna happen during homecoming week yikesss😒😂😂 that's all byeee 👋 oh and the picture attached is just a recent one of me. do i look like a freshman? oh and all the guys are sophomores so yeah lol byeeee