Ladies I need advice

So I live in a household that is verbally abusive, there was some physical abuse, and there is mental abuse. I am 17 turning 18 in 4 months. My sister is 21 and she left because they were Makin her their "bitch". I am next to leave and they know that and they don't "want to invest any time or money" into me. They have takin things from me, like my man (which I am still with and it has been a year and a half) and my social life. I have no friends and they don't know that I have a phone. My man provided it for me. When I leave this house I am going to live with him and his family (no babies I promise not till later) . Then when I graduate which is next December I will apply for the air force. Do you guys think that I need to leave this household? Oh and they are crazy haha. And what do you think I should do with my future? Be honest I need you family.