
All my man seems to care about is sex. I do all the talking pretty much all the time and he seems almost annoyed when I talk about things and can't have a good conversation with me. He's been telling me to calm down. Like excuse me but I'm just trying to actually have a conversation with you instead of having your dick in my mouth for once. And let me make this clear, I'm not a big talker in the first place. I'm a listener. So I try to ask him things so he will talk with me. But he only talks a little bit. It's only 8 and he's like "I think I'm gonna go to sleep." Like what?! He does work a night shift but still, I was gone for two days at my parents he should want to hang out with me. He went to the bedroom and he's just laying there on his phone right now. Not even trying to sleep. So shitty. Most definitely waiting for me to follow him in there so he can fuck. Btw we already fucked today. Welp, you ain't getting no pussy tonight how about that 👌 What do I do about this??