God's Timing


This is obviously the hardest thing to wait for. God has a plan for each baby that is created in each mother's womb.

I want to be a mommy. I feel that my husband and I are ready, and I know that we will be great parents.

So a Big Fat Negative. An Irregular Period. Extreme Bloating. Tiredness. Urinating More. Cramps. Sore Breasts. Headaches. Gassy. Insomnia. Let's face it, there are a lot of frustrations, that go along with Trying to Conceive. Making love with your husband should be fun and playful. It is not a chore. I cherish the intimacy, I cherish the bond we share and the excitement. I also cherish the prayer we share before we make love. We are in this marriage until death do us part. Marriage is permanent, and it takes work. Love in general takes work. We are praying for the Lord's will with our waiting period, and will continue to trust in Him through it all.

These are my opinions from my heart...If you must indeed say something negative, know that I forgive you. I don't know you personally and will most likely never meet you. I choose to love God with all I have and I am trusting in Him through all of it.