Hating life right now

My bf and I have been dating for a year and a half. I'm 15, he's 18. My parents read our texts and found out we had sex. They banned us from being together or seeing each other. I go to church every day the doors are open, thats where we met. He can't go there anymore or we will leave. So Tuesday at 4 am we snuck around. We talked about it for 2 weeks. A baby. And we were stupidly sure of having one. Now I have one day to get plan B and I don't have a way to pick it up. I just hate the way my parents run their house. (My brother has a huge bruise from where he was bruised). I hate my home life and I have. I have everything I need. I'm just not happy, And Now I've made a stupid mistake. You can ask questions, but I'd appreciate just a listening ear I guess.