Trust issues :(

So... Background story. I've been with my boyfriend for three months. Before that, we were just 'friends' with benefits. This was my idea, not his. He wanted to be more serious at the time and I said no. Within the week, he and my "best friend" were talking in text. It was extremely flirtatious. She came to me and said he was a "fuck boy" and that I should stop giving him the benefits because he was hitting on her. I even saw the screenshots. Little did I know, she had her own sneaky texts towards him that she left out for me to see that I found out about. I was angry at both of them because 1, she's my best friend and 2, he said that even if we're FWB, the rule was not to get involved with other people while we were still having sex. Fast forward to now, I forgave them both and have actually started dating him. I love him to death now yet because of that stupid incident, I feel insecure. Ive been hanging out with them separately until recently. We went on a double date and I swear to you, she was flirting with my SO the entire time! Talked more to him than me. Made jokes, asked for advice, smiled and laughed and did that hair flippy thing. Thing is, he didn't respond in any way that was bad. In fact, he kept trying to hug me and hold my hand and etc.  I felt soooo uncomfortable being with them both at once. Idk if I was paranoid or if she really was straight up flirting with my boyfriend 👿 she's the type to love attention and she's naturally flirtatious so I just don't know how to feel. How would you feel about this situation? I mean she's my best friend and he's my boyfriend, it's so weird living life having to dodge them together because we both have a limited amount of friends that we can form groups with..