My Boyfriend Forbids Me From Using Sex Toys...

I'm pretty open when it comes to sex stuff and so is he. We have a BDSM relationship, we've done the dirty in public before, and we indulge in each other's kinks (food play, kneesocks, rp, etc.) all the time. Some of the stuff we get into is pretty risque, which is why I'm so confused as to why he forbids that I use sex toys. The first time I ever asked to use a sex toy was during our first roleplay session a few months ago and I asked him put one of my dildos in. He told me no, but I assumed he was saying that in character, until a few weeks later when I proposed a game where we would go out on a date while I had a vibrator in and he had the control. He immediately said no and politely asked me not to propose a game like that ever again. I figured maybe that was just his "don't know it, don't like it" personality kicking in since he's unfamiliar with sex toy life, so I tried to make it easy for him. Last week, I bought a pair of cat ears and a cat tail anal plug (my old cat tail had ribbons that tie around the waist) since pet play turns him on and when he came home, we started to mess around, until he asked how I was wearing my tail without ribbons. I showed him where the tail was coming from and he asked me to take it off. He said he preferred the other one. So that was all weird and dandy, until it got just plain terrible. A few days ago, he'd worked at two-day straight shift and I got impatient waiting for him to come home, so a little while before he was supposed to get home, I had a little fun with two of my vibes and just when I was about to cum, I hear him storm over to the bed and ask me what the hell I was doing. I completely lose my drive and pull them out, and he grabs them, takes them downstairs, and throws them away. He says he doesn't want me to use "those things"anymore and asks me to get rid of them. I told him no, and we got into an argument of him demanding that I never use another toy again. I guess I won since he backed down and I still have the rest of my toys in a lock box, but I have no clue what his deal is. He's the sweetest, gentlest, kindest, most accepting gentleman around, and never has he acted like this for the long time we've known each other. Normally, we would talk something like this out, but he doesn't want to. I don't want to force him into liking them, but he needs to accept that I like them and I want to be able to use them when he isn't around at the least. What on earth do I do?