4.5 month old just won't eat!

We've been through some sever silent reflux (that's gotten to be not so silent) but have it under control as far as pain is concerned with Zantac.  Have no proof of milk allergy but alimentum has been the formula he's been able to tolerate the best and longest.  We finally got in a good groove where he was taking 5 & 6 oz bottles for a total of 26-28 oz a day and then got our first stomach bug at daycare.  That was a week ago today and the little guy STILL doesn't want to take a bottle.  Some times I will manage to get 4-5 oz in him but it takes almost an hour of one ounce at a time and then pulling away and fussing.  I've tried going up a nipple speed, trying a different formula... Nothing's working . He's taking about 16-18 oz a day now.  Sometimes he will downright refuse a bottle and go 5-6 hours before he'll be willing to let me even come towards him with a bottle.  What could this be??? Someone help me!  Doc and GI specialist don't seem too concerned bc he is in 57th percentile in weight.