My boyfriend and i just had our second anniversary. Thing is back in july he broke up with me for a whopping 2 hours. But u went really out of my way to try and make our anniversary special. He didnt do anything. Not even a card. And this whole year has been full of thoughtless moments. Valentines day. Oh i didnt get you a card or anything cuz we were arguing and i didnt think i needed to. My birthday he waited until my actual birthday was almost over (literally it was 8 oclock in the evening) before he went out and got my gift. And when he came home he tossed the box in my direction and said happy birthday. And now our anniversary. He gets a card and a single flower the day after because he feels like an ass but doesnt even have the decency to write anything in the card. And its not even a sweet card. The outside says all i want for our anniversary is hot sex now. Really? He gets the vibe that im upset. And i am but not about the lack of gift. Im upset that i feel like hes keeping me around just to have someone do his laundry and have sex with him. How do i bring this up without being royally pissed off? How can i explain to him that this is not ok?