ethical question I suppose.

Katelyn • Happily married.
So I have been considering transitioning to a Vegan lifestyle. I have a wheat allergy so that limits a lot of food for me. That being said, I still like meat, a lot (sorry if that offends people). So here's the thing, my husband is an avid hunter, he doesn't hunt for sport, he only hunts deer and fishes on occasion because we believe that we should know where our food comes from and my husband tries to hunt as humanely as possible. So is it really unhealthy to eat meat if you know exactly where it came from? 
I know this may sound confusing but only because I am confused. I love vegan food (I cook a lot of vegan meals) and the only animal products I consume are those my husband catches himself. Is it worth giving that up? I want to know how being vegan has changed you.