Baby born at 41+3 weeks!

Brianna • Calvin born Septemeber 15 2016

I was scheduled to be induced Tuesday morning at 7am (first pregnancy).

Contractions were coming too quick and my body only reached 2cm and 80% effaced by late afternoon so they stopped the pitocin and tried to see if my body would continue on its own.

So stayed over night barley slept with the pain of contractions every 4 minutes and no IV drugs helped.

By 7ish in the morning I was 3cm and they broke my water and I was in active labor for an hour until our baby boy was born at 9:07 am. I did opt for the epidural although it didn't effect my right side the way it was put in, it was well worth it.

8lbs 15 oz and 21" in length and no problems

Had to get stitched but was all worth it :)