Growth Differences

Our babies head is showing at the 90% centile and is measuring nearly 2 weeks ahead. They have said they have no concerns medically wise. Has anyone been told this and it's all been ok?!?!
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So just remember, percentiles are just averages. And at this age babies are pretty much all developing at the same rate (with a few variances). So your baby's head being in the 90th percentile means his head is probably like a tad bigger than an average baby at this gestation. It doesn't mean his head is 90% bigger than normal. And babies all grow differently. So this week, your babys head grew a little fast and maybe next week the body will catch up. It's nothing to worry about at all. If there was an abnormality, they would have told you. Same with babies measuring a few weeks ahead. It's just an average and every baby is different. I remember freaking out at my 16 week appt and My fundal height was only measuring at 14. The next appt I was measuring at 18. And then the next one I was measuring 2 weeks ahead. So unless your doc is worried, I wouldn't be. 


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My son started growing 1-2 weeks ahead at every ultrasound starting at 17 weeks (especially his head) he's still off the charts for weight height and his head! But he's a healthy happy almost 10 month old!! Just cooking a big girl in there good luck! 


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The radiographer said she checked the skull to confirm there was no fluid in the ventricles and checked other things and said she was not concerned. I still can't help but worry 😢. I'm also still concerned about the size difference in her head and body! 


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We just had an ultrasound and I was 26 weeks and a couple days. They measured the head circumference, the belly and the long femur. All the measurements were coming back between 27 weeks and 29 weeks. There wasn't any concern about it from the tech, but I haven't discussed it with my midwife at all.