I didn't want to know the gender...

I really wanted to wait this time but my SO was a big ole pouty baby at the ultrasound and had to know. So it looks like we are having a perfectly creepy girl alien baby. I'm super excited because I kinda wanted a girl but my first thought was but I really liked our boy name we picked out lol. So I have to share from our 19 week ultrasound and express how amazed I am by the picture of the spine.. wow so amazing.
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I love seeing my baby's spine on the ultrasound too!! x


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Congrats!  We are finding out.  We picked both girl and boy names. I know you wanted to be surprised, but there is a silver lining: gender neutral clothes are not as cute.


👩🏻 • Sep 16, 2016
I am so happy for you though. We have been dreaming of a girl and my husband really wants a little daddy's girl swinging on his arm. We are fine with either.


Shawnna • Sep 16, 2016
We did the same with the names and you are so right about the neutral clothes.