is this postpartum depression?

I seriously don't know what to do at this point Idk if it's postpartum depression or what but I can't take it anymore. Whenever I put my baby down she cries she wants to be held all the time and I can't get nothing done around the house , I can't shower I can't eat I can't do anything because she cries as soon as I put her down. When do I get my life back? When do things get easier? I have so many emotions going on inside of me and idk what to do. I'm so frustrated and all I can do is cry day and night. Btw she's a month old. Btw yes she has been fed, burped, changed, rocked to sleep.
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Posted at
Honey, if she's been fed, burped, clean diaper, rocked, she doesn't have a fever, you are going to have to let her cry. If you ever want clean clothes, a clean body, to be able to eat, you will have to let her cry. She will eventually stop.


Lalanna • Sep 17, 2016
I agree with Kimberly as long as baby has been feed burped and changed then baby has to cry. something I did with my son is I found a bouncy seat and put him on the kitchen table so he could see me and I would talk to him even if it was telling him I was washing dishes and explaining how I washed the dishes. best wishes.


Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Sep 16, 2016
I'm just going off the information from the doctor.


Tammara • Sep 16, 2016
Crying they are telling us something. Leaving them to cry for extended periods of time is not healthy for them, mentally, emotionally and developmentally.


Posted at
It is very normal for baby to act that way. You have to remind yourself that baby just spent the last 9-10 months being incredible close to you all day everyday. And now when you put her down she doesn't feel that closeness or warmth and security she felt when she was in the womb. I know it is stressful, but the things you aren't getting done now are small in comparison to the bonding you may miss out on. I recommend getting a baby carrier like a moby wrap it ring sling that you can still carry baby close but have your hands free to get your stuff around the house done. As far as showering, I have learned to limit my showers to 5 minutes that way if my LO is crying it isn't for very long, I even bring his little bouncer to the bathroom with me so he is close by. I have a 3 year old and 4 year old in my house too that I have to take care of. It is very overwhelming. Just breathe and remember these are precious times and all your baby wants is to be close to you, she is lost in this big world and confused and all the new sounds are new to her. In due time things will calm down. 


Posted at
Hang in there!  My baby was the same way but  around when he turned 5-6 weeks it got better.  I wasn't getting any sleep because I had to hold him.  I thought I was going crazy.  Just tough it out a little awhile longer and I'm sure she will start sleeping for longer periods of time.  Definitely try a rock and play!


Nesa • Sep 19, 2016


Nesa • Sep 19, 2016
the rock n play is one of the few ways I can put my baby down. she wakes usually the moment I'm not holding her and I know it can be frusterated


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Do you have anyone that could come love the baby for a bit while you eat and shower?


Posted at
I feel the same way .. i have a 9 yr old a 4 yr old and my 2 week old princess.. and some times i just have to let her cry as much as i hated it... i have to... i love holding her but i also have to pay attention to my other 2 boys and get things done around the house since my hubby went back to work. Altough he doesnt mind if i dont clean but i just cant have a messy house.... its ok to let the babys cry at times and to ask for help if you need too... you are not alone....


Posted at
The more you hold the baby the more baby wants to be held. This isn't conducive to modern living. We have things to do and baby can't be held all the time. It's healthy for babies to learn how to "self soothe" or you'll never get a moment to do anything for yourself. I'm trying to break this habit with my daughter. Pacifiers and the mammaroo glider work wonders, also playing some light classical music. I don't believe in the cry it out method, but it's okay to let baby cry 3-5 minutes if you know she's fed and dry while you take a shower etc. Try taking a shirt that smells like you and use it as a blanket for baby when you lay her down. If she smells you near by she may calm down.


Posted at
I'm in tears right now for this exact reason. I feel like in losing my mind. Also have a 4yr old who won't sleep. 


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I was having this problem with my baby and bought a carrier from walmart for $30. Best $30 I have EVER spent. I feel so free lol. 


Posted at
Ask for help!!! Friends, family, anyone who is willing to come over for an hour or 2 and let you shower and eat, or do some cleaning or whatever... My family has been a lifesaver! Crying is normal, but if your losing your patience to the point you might hurt the baby or yourself call your doctor immwdiately!! Good luck momma, you can do this!


Posted at
Are you swaddling her? My daughter will scream every time I lay her down unless she is swaddled. During the day, I can only get her to sleep for 45 minutes to an hour at a time, but it's enough to feed myself and take a shower and possibly get a couple of things done before she wants to be rocked again.