News I Can't Share

My husband and I are pregnant. This will be baby #3 for us. Well, our financial and housing situation kind of went down the drain. We are having the WORST luck possible. My family already harps about how we shouldn't of had #2 so soon. Well baby #1(2yrs old) isn't biologically my husbands but might as well be but I wanted a baby with him so we tried for #2. I recently had #2 in December of 2015. And here I am pregnant with #3. We were happy, excited, in love. But then our lives seemed to go downhill. But its not stopping us. Were getting things back on track but my family is so damn judgemental! I want to announce our happy discovery of baby #3 but I just KNOW all the negative outcomes we'll get. We thought about waiting until the we found out the gender and just announced that and let it be a surprise for how long we've known and things. But I'm literally torn, I love my husband more than anything and he tries his damn hardest to provide for us. Everyone hits ruff patches but they're so unsupportive. Any advice? Like I've argued with them before but I seriously just don't want to hear it anymore.