Age limits.

I participated in a post basically asking "how old was to old to trick or treat". Well in reference to this same topic I would like to add some things. I think your never to old to participate to some degree first of all. If you have kids obviously your more likely anyways. However my problem is with people referencing age limits on activities such as these. We also wonder why teenagers increasingly try to act look so grown. Society is constantly telling them not to do certain things. They get bullied and embarrassed over the tiniest things. Forced into adulthood as early as 12. I personally would rather my 16 year old to be trick or treating rather than out partying or doing drugs. I feel like my mother did this to me by telling me I was to old. I see no harm in giving a teen candy. It's no dent in my wallet. I guess I'll let mine decide on their own obviously. How do you feel? Do you think their is a cut off. I feel like it's like telling them they can't celebrate Christmas anymore since they don't believe in santa.... obviously we don't put age limits on that....

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