Birth story!

Shannon • Momma to Garrett Allen born September 2, 2016. 💙 CNA; GPN. 💊💉 Engaged to my best friend. 💎
Long post sorry!
On September 1st I went to the hospital to be induced at 8 am. I was 1cm dilated and very thin. When we got there they hooked me up to the monitor and listened to baby boy for an hour before telling me that I needed to walk for 2 hours around the hospital then come back to see if I had progressed. I did this until about 1pm when they gave me a medicine (I forget the name) to soften my cervix. It was a pill that I was given 2 times (was suppose to be 3 but my contractions were 2 minutes apart!)
 The next time my midwife checked me I was only a 2 and 80% effaced but she could feel my waters bulging so she broke it! I was told to continue to walk the halls while my contractions got stronger and stronger. They finally moved me to a delivery room around 7pm that night. I had not had any pain medicine at this point and I was 5cm dilated and 100% effaced. 
As my contractions got worse and worse I couldn't take them anymore so I had my SO help me get into the shower in my room where I sat for almost an hour (but it helped me to relax so much!) 
After my shower it was about 11pm at this point. They asked me if I wanted an epidural that the lady could be there in a half hour. I told them I wanted one so the wait began. When the lady got there she was asking me a bunch of questions and at this point I didn't care I had no pain medicine in me and my contractions were so strong. She finally tried to put my epidural in but she failed. I could feel her digging around in my back with the needle (there was so much pressure! ) I finally asked her to take it out and try again. So the second time she failed again! After digging in my back for about an hour she suggested that I get a spinal instead. My midwife then checked to see how dilated I was but I was only a 6 so I couldn't get one. The lady giving the epidural suggested that we try for an epidural one more time and she talked me into letting her. So this time she started higher up on my back and got it the first try! It felt amazing to finally have some pain medicine in my system! I slept through the night nurses coming in and out. They put an internal monitor on me because they weren't able to pick up my contractions with the monitor anymore. About 6 in the morning my midwife came in to check on me and my contractions had been a lot closer/ stronger than the internal monitor had led on to be. I began pushing at 6:15 am and by this point my epidural was gone .. I pushed for what seemed like forever because I could feel everything. Then my blood pressure shot up to in the 200s / like 180s and my temperature was through the roof. Babies heart beat was dropping and they couldn't get him out because of the way he was turned. They tried putting me in so many different positions to push but nothing was working. Finally my midwife called for another doctor to help. 
When the other doctor arrived he immediately asked for a vacuum. My next contraction he shoved the vacuum inside of me (causing me to have 2nd degree tearing) and he attempted to auction the baby out, but failed as the vacuum slipped off his head. By this point everything was a rush because of babies heartbeat. He attempted to auction him a second time but failed once again. Finally on the third try suctioning him out he finally got him to come out! He pulled him out and threw him on my check and cut the cord ( my SO didn't get to because his heartbeat was so low by this point) he wasn't crying when he came out so they took him over to the pediatrician where she got him to cry. Garrett Allen weighed 8lbs 14oz and was 22 1/2 inches long born on September 2nd at 8:56 am 
 It was a very long night/morning with a lot of pain. I don't know how women choose to give birth naturally I would never do natural labor again! But I am so thankful for my baby boy.