I'm so hurt

So recently I had a almost falling it with a. Good friend. Iwe just stated our freshman year, and I scared her. She was jumpy all day and took it serious. Anyway, I apologised and I though we were fine. (This was on the 1st)
So she's been blowing me off for almost 3 weeks! I didn't think anything. I assumed she was swamped with school like I was.
So I finally asked her last night. 'Are you mad? You keep ghosting me.' We only have like 2 classes so their wasn't much time to talk then.
""Sorry man. I gues don't want to be friends anymore." I couldn't understand why, and said okay, I'm sorry for whatever I did. I thought it was a joke. She says j didn't do anything. So I spent last night crying myself to sleep.
I'm so hurt! I have no idea what happened and I'm afraid if I ask I'll sound needy. I hate that I'll never have great me worries again! I've been in orchestra with her for almost 5 years! 
What should I do?