Stomach pain

Im 15 weeks 5 days. All week at work I've just been feeling absolutely horrible. Like headache, tired, pain, everything. Any time I eat or drink anything (even water) I get a pain in what I think is actually my stomach. (Not my uterus. This is higher up like by my ribs.) Sometimes it feels like someone is squeezing my stomach as hard as they can and other times it's an intense sharp pain that is a little lower than the squeezing feeling. I have a doctor appointment next Thursday but this is starting to freak me out. I have no clue if it has anything to do with my pregnancy or not. Anyone have any ideas?
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I had those pain but it got serve. Went to the ER and was told I have gallstones


Posted at
Could be round ligament pain or pain from stretching. I have had similar pain that will be intense then go away. Our bodies are changing fast right now so we are bound to have pains.


Sabrina • Sep 17, 2016
sorry, meant to post that on the main thread! I still can't figure this app out hah


Sabrina • Sep 17, 2016
gastritis and gallbladder issues are common during pregnancy. Especially if it's associated with eating and drinking. Your round ligament isn't up near your ribs.


Posted at
I have the same issue. Please let me know what the doctor says I till have a couple weeks before my appointment.