RANT: Daughters Baptismal.

Okay so I'm doing my daughters baptismal soon and since I found out I was pregnant I chose my best friend for her god mother. My husband was suppose to pick her god father but never did (she's 1 and a half) so being that I'm doing it next month I decided to choose my brother as her god father. My husband is furious. Am in the wrong? (Background info: his brother will not be chosen because of multiple reasons. 1) he's married. 2) he has never once given my daughter the time of day, let alone his own daughter- he doesn't take care of her. 3) he has drug abuse issues. And the list goes on and on. He has other family members that could be her god father but many have the same issues. None of his family has ever asked to be a god parent as to which my brother has multiple times and my best friend did when I was pregnant. I just feel like my daughter should have someone who will put her first and give her the type of guidance she needs in life. My brother calls her just about every day to talk to her, is always coming to see her, asking to bring her over so I know he'd be perfect as her godparent. I'm just so confused as to why my husband is so bothered. She's already 1 and a half and never once mentioned anyone to be her god father. But now that the time is coming he wants to choose someone randomly. It's not even like he has close friends that would be able to be it. Idk what to do it's caused a fight really over nothing, it's really just obvious that my brother is the best fit as her god father. Idk what to do.