I don't know what to do!!

Aisha • • Happily Married •
Growing up I've always been a good kid. Straight As, did sports, stayed away from boys, and even took 2 years of college when I was just 14. Of the kids in my family I was one of the few good ones but just like any other kid I do make mistakes. When I was almost turning 18, i was having a very bad day and my siblings were really getting on my nerves so I slapped them because I snapped and just wanted to be alone. I felt bad so I comforted them and call my mother and explained what happened. She yelled harsh words over the phone and told me that she is very pissed at me. When she got home she began to beat me, slap me, punch me, step on me, twist my arms and almost broke my left arm. If my uncle hadn't stopped by I'm sure I would've gotten seriously injured that night. When my father came home, I tried to explain what happened but my mother cut me off and basically called me disrespectful everything I tried to say something, so my father ended up dismissing it as if the incident was something minor. I was mad and hurt and didn't feel safe So I fled home when I got the chance that night and went to be with my boyfriend (not anymore). My father came there looking for me but I hid so that he wouldn't know I was there for fear of him dragging me back home. The next few days my mother texted me telling me to come home and that she needs me to be home and such, she even got other family members to basically harass and pressure me into going home. I ended up going home after a week. Since then I haven't done anything that was bad. And since coming back I never really felt at home. I will be 20 in a few weeks and though she has never treated me as an adult, it's become worse by the day. She wants me to clean and cook and do all these things around the house and I have no problem but she does take me for granted and gets soo mad if the dishes aren't done by a certain time (usually they are done 2-3 times throughout the day before 10). She yells at me if something isn't clean or if I didn't have time or energy to cook something that day. I do all the housework and mind you she has a 18 and 14 year old son now who aren't disabled. I graduated, was in college but taking the semester off for medical reasons. I don't smoke, drink, or sleep around. I'm with a man I believe will be my husband soon and he's very respectful to her. I don't pay rent but when she needs money I always give it to her if I have it. I am the most respectful on her children and I feel like I should be treated with some respect because this is ridiculous. I've tried talking to her about me moving out and whenever I bring it up she says "no" or " I don't want to talk about this". I know it's completely against out culture for me to move before I'm married but I'm getting to that point. I'm almost 20 and she treats me like I'm 13. I have to ask permission before I go places and if I'm not home by 10 she throws a bitch fit. Sometimes I get scared to go in the house because I know what's happening when I get in. I'm just so sick of it but I'm so scared to do it...I don't even know how to go about this..please help me and comment below!!

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