Wishing this pregnancy away

Emilee • 👶🏼03-03-2017 👼🏼23 week angel Olivia 1/4/19 👼🏼 8 week angel 5/8/19 Trying for my miracle rainbow baby 🥰
I am 14weeks and 2 days. I'm trying to live in the moment. I'm trying to embrace this experience. Every woman I talk to tells me to not wish away this time. That it goes quickly and I should feel lucky that I can carry a child. But I am so miserable. Literally, I feel miserable! I can't do the simplest things like go to the grocery store with out feeling exhuasted and out of breath. Yesterday i went to the mall to get maternity slacks and after going to two stores i had to leave and go home. I honestly felt like i was going to pass out. I cam home and took a 2 hour nap. I thought my morning sickness was gone but now for the past 4 days I'm vomitting again. I have migrains at least twice per day and I get hot flashes. Don't even get my started on constipation. I knew pregnancy would be tough but my god. At this rate, I'm never getting pregnant willingly again! I start a new job on monday and I am so stressed out that my exhaustion coupled with my migrains and vomitting is going to make working even harder. I guess I'm just looking for a sense of support here and know that I'm not alone in this 😢 how do you working women get through the day?