Losing my best friend :( ADVICE!!

So I met this guy since before summer and we got closer and closer and started liking each other. Then we started to go out together however my best friend never liked him and she always made it clear that she could never stand him. She then that I should not get in anything with him and if I have anything to do with a boy not with him.  Despite that the boy and I got closer and we had sex toward the end of summer but I never told my best friend because I was scared of her reaction. I know I was wron in doing so because we are very close and tell each other everything but I kept this from her. This weekend I finally built up the courage to tell her and I told her and I knew she was hurt I didn't tell her but I tried explaining how I felt by her feelings toward him and why I did what I did. However she completely flipped off on me and told me how I need to stop blaming others and take responsibility for something in my life and other things. To me this was hurtful as among recent years I told her stuff to which she completely three back into my face in this argument. However I apologized but she still thinks that I am the most disgusting lying person and we are currently not talking. This makes me feel very depressed and she was my best friend and to end over something as small as this hurts me. And despite trying to tell her this she would only trip off on me. 
Is this relationship worth saving ? Or Should I let things go ?