my story ❤️ she is here

Skylar gray Thompson was born 9/9/16 at 736pm. I went in at 40 weeks 1 day to be induced. I was already 1cm and 50%effaced I went in at 6 and got the iv started at 7. At 9am started the ballon indication with pitocin at the same time. I do not recommend the folley ballon at all!! That hurt like hell. Every 20 mins they would pull on it to get you dilated more. After lots of contractions and 2 different positions the ballon came out at 1130. I was then 5cm. They then broke my water at 12 and got the epideral. I had severe shakes and high blood pressure and had to get oxygen for most of the labor die to the side effects of the epideral. Although it was much better not feeling the contraction pain. I then Became a 8cm at 630 and then at 7 I was a full 10 and fully effaced. I was ready to push.   They called my doctor and she was 15 minutes out. They had me pushing for 15 mins but kept holding me back due to the doctor not being there yet. Finally the doctor came and I pushed for another 15 and out my beautiful baby came ❤️ I did have a 2nd degree tear. Skylar was born 6 pounds 6 ounces and 18.5 inches long. She left the hospital at 6 pounds 1 ounce.