Crazy Arizona Law

Bumble 🐝
"The Arizona Supreme Court issued a stunning and horrifying decision on Tuesday, interpreting a state law to criminalize any contact between an adult and a child’s genitals. According to the court, the law’s sweep encompasses wholly innocent conduct, such as changing a diaper or bathing a baby. As the stinging dissent notes, “parents and other caregivers” in the state are now considered to be “child molesters or sex abusers under Arizona law.” Those convicted under the statute may be imprisoned for five years."
I can't be the only one thinking wtf Arizona. I mean really? Seriously?! Wtf! 
Source of the article was but I imagine a general Google search would pull it up too. The law apparently states both sexual and non sexual contact, I felt like it was a good example of giving prosecutors too much discretion. I could see this being a slippery slope and innocent people being labeled unjustly as child predators.