"Sexual anorexia" a real thing?

Basically a story came up about a woman who more or less self diagnosed herself with this. Apparently her personal psychologist has used it during therapy sessions but it sounds like that person was just trying to help her get over the event but the woman took them literally. To sum it up, she says her condition is real. She has always had self worth/esteem issues, so during her first real relationship she didn't ever believe she was his real love/no one could ever love her that much/etc etc etc. He would try to tell her these things but she always denied them. Time passed and he left her for another woman, "All my assumptions were correct" or "It was a nighmare come true" she said. So now when she tries be sexually intimate she backs out. According to her story she takes men all the way to bed, then just gets cold and backs out when it comes time to actually do anything out of emotional fear. (She's never been raped. Every guy backed off and left respectively).

I'm not asking if she doesn't have severe self esteem issues or anxiety or that she doesn't deserve some kind of pity, but out how do you feel about her use or the word "anorexia" in this case? I think it's misused and rude to people who have that condition.

Note: she did try to use anorexia definition to defend her use of it but obviously it's not recognized by the medical world to be used it this fashion.

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