My birth story Pretty long!
Okay so it's been 3 months since I had my little boy but here's my story anyways! Okay it's Wednesday June 8th and I went to see my doctor because I'm suppose to be getting induced at 40 weeks which is June 9th (I had polyhdraminos) so he checks me I'm 3cm already and 80%effaced so he says go ahead and check in at the hospital and let's have this baby! I'm excited, nervous, anxious and quite frankly scarred shitless but more then anything I was just ready to hold my little boy! So I go home shower get all my hospital bags and me and my boyfriend head to the hospital I check in they start me on pitocin about 5pm and everything is going great I'm having contractions here and there pretty unbearable because if you've had pitocin you know it makes your contractions a lot stronger then what your body naturally does but I could still take then so I wasn't ready for relief yet, anyways I'm to excited to sleep so I'm just watching TV waiting and waiting then it's like 2am and I get up to pee when I come back I lay down and pop goes my water I'm freaking out because it literally is the craziest feeling ever so I tell the nurse she comes in cleans my up and then I'm hit not even two minutes later with the most intense pain I've ever felt in my life and the contractions are just hitting me one right after another and I can't even get a breath before another hits me I'm just grabbing the bed my boyfriend is freaking out asking what I want him to do I'm like Nothing and then I ask the nurse please I need the epidural now! I go pee again come out and there's the nurse with the epidural thank god! I get it but it only works on one side for the first ten minutes so I'm still in a bunch of pain they had the pitocin drip at 22 and the highest they go is 30 so I was in a lot of pain finally it starts working on both sides and I'm in heaven, then they check me still a 3, so now I'm just chilling I probably slept for 30 minutes then they check me at 9am still a 3 then they check at 10am and I'm a 10 so I was ready to push i was so scared! They turned off my epidural I felt every single thing I pushed for 2 hours I felt my son tear me and get stitched back up but I didn't care because I had my little boy at last! It was rough but totally worth it! When he was born and him now at 3 months!😻

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