we did it. one month new ❤️❤️❤️

Tori • Military wife . Momma to a 5 year old daughter. Currently pregnant with my little guy due 8/14.
I remember checking my app constantly....reading others symptoms of being pregnant, to having a vivid dream and saying THIS is it, I'm pregnant. I knew it... taking the test,positive, surprising my family, waiting through that agonizing first and second trimester finding his heartbeat everyday to make sure he was still in there. To feeling him move for the first time, his first hiccups, talking to him every night, the kicks and jabs so hard it would make me cringe, the hunger, the constant peeing.  To finally getting to my due date and passing my due date... to the easier labor I could've ever asked for.. perfect for my second and last baby. He has been such a blessing, such a good easy baby. This month has been rough adjusting, I'm so exhausted I would put him back in my belly if I could somedays... but it's all worth it. My heart is full.