they sent me home two hours before I went into labor!

Oly • SAHM who loves movies, nerdy games, music and cooking
I went into L&D around 1:00 am because I was bleeding and having small contractions, she checked and I was at 1 cm 70 effaced and said go home we can't help you except a morphine shot, we got home at 3:00 am and I'm screaming crying on the bed from my contractions while my husband hugs me terrified 2 hours of 45+ seconds of contractions every 2 minutes and my husband feeding me pickles while we make jokes. We finally go back in and they say oh wow 4+ cm and your water is about to break! 
... "Wow thank you for a second bill we didn't need," 7 am I finally get an epidural they couldn't find a vein to save their life 11:48 he was here!!! And 100% worth the hassle!