Omggggg i need to rant!!!!! 😑😡😡

My sister in law is such a bitch! She literally thinks she knows it all!! She thinks because her pregnancy test was bold cause she was like 8 days late that my faints aren't positives...I send her pictures cause I'm excited and she replied with "I still don't consider those positives" and when I said I've done 4 different brands and like 9 test and they are all the same she still says that's not dark enough! Even when they are getting darker everyday! I'm just about to totally not include her in anything. Did I mention she's like 4 years younger than me! I'm so annoyed!!! I have a 2 year old i know what a damn positive test looks like! Here's test from today, for some reason the pics are blurry on here so click on them to see better!