Struggling... anyone else??

I didn't think I would really struggle with my changing body shape. If it was just belly I would be probably a little unnerved about my skin but generally ok with the changes. I do enjoy seeing my bump grow! But I am struggling with gaining weight in areas other than my belly. Is anyone else just getting fatter?! My legs have gone up from an 8-10 to at least a 12... And I'm chubbier around my arms and my ribs too! I'm not eating the BEST for sure, but I am not hugely different in what I eat. And I'm trying to walk in the evenings but (unsurprisingly) I feel very heavy and sore so it makes it pretty hard to exercise much. It's a vicious cycle. I haven't gained an exorbitant amount (probably 15-20 lbs in 24 weeks, which is appropriate) but I just feel lumpy everywhere 😞 I'm so joyful to be pregnant, and if there was ever w good reason to gain weight (or have anything uncomfortable happen!) this is totally it. I love my baby so much, it's worth it for sure!! But I'm just kinda bummed about it today after seeing the rolls on my ribs under my bra. 😒😭 Lol