Focused Ultrasound fibroid therapy

I'm 35 years old and had two fibroids. One of my fibroids was inside of my uterus 4cm big and caused a misscarige. The other one is outside my uterus and is not causing any harm, even it's bigger. Sadly until I was pregnant I didn't even know that I had fibroids, because even with ultrasound my ob/gyn did not see them. I thought that my heavier menses are caused by my age and not because I had fibroids. I changed doctors and have a wonderful new ob/gyn who is a surgeon as well. He told me that a surgery on fibroids always bares the risk of infertility. Than he suggested an embolisation, but because of the risk of infertility I decided otherwise. I found a doctor who is doing focused ultrasound therapy on the fibroids 24/7. I decided to do it because even the method is new, there is not the risk of infertility known. The therapy by itself wasn't hurtful, no hormones, next day I could even leave the hospital. My fibroids are now inaktiv and shrunken by size and the doctor recommended to wait one month longer before trying again, that my body can get rid of the last bits of fibroids during my period. I recommend looking into this method, because it's non invasive and some insurances pay for it. You don't need a surgery every time, if you have under 10 fibroids and they are under 10cm you should look into this method.
Anyways did someone tried this method and is pregnant?