Boy Problems! HELP!

So this guy and I had a thing back in March for about 3 months, and then we didn't talk for a while.... In July we started talking again but as friends. A little while ago we both told each other we still had some feelings for each other and I kissed him..... I told him it was an accident and that I'm not "in love" with him or anything. Cause I didn't want things to become awkward and I wanted him to still be open and honest about his life while talking to me. I'm 16 right now and he's 18 and there's some stuff going on in my life where even if we tried, we cant date right now. I'm pretty sure he knows that also. He's started talking to this girl though that's older than he is and I guess you could say I'm a little jealous and upset about it. I haven't told him that thought because I know there's nothing he could do about it but it would only make things awkward. I've sorta shut him out and don't really talk to him much right now which is odd because we talk every day. It seems to help me not think about it and not get upset about him and stuff because I'm not talking to him. I sorta miss him in my life...... But I just can't do it.... I'm REALY in love with him and I get the feeling sometimes he could be the one. What should I do and what are your guys' opinion on the matter? 😬😬😬